Community Empowerment

Christmas Durbar at Offei Yaw

The Foundation’s Annual Community Christmas Party at Offei Yaw came off on Sunday 12th December 2021. Instead of the usual party, it was a durbar (Community Meeting) to allow the Foundation to have a “hard talk” with the community. The Foundation believes that the community can do more with the resources given and even generate some decent income for the community. With 2021 winding down and 2022 around the corner, this was a good opportunity for them to make 2022 an even better and more progressive year. Each attendee received a Christmas package – consisting of food items such as rice, a sachet of tomatoes and mackerel for the adults, and a variety of biscuits, chocolate, and drink for the kids – in reusable cloth bags as a way to educate them in sustainable practices.
Logos Hope Ship brings hope to the Offei Yaw Community.

As part of its periodic strategic engagement with the town of Offei Yaw, Adeiso, and surrounding communities in the Eastern Region of Ghana, on 23rd February, the Kwaaba Foundation organized an educational tour to the Logos Hope Ship, the world’s largest floating book fair (docked at the Tema port and later moved to Takoradi port).

Fifty (50) people (students and parents led by 2 chiefs) had the opportunity to attend the onboard book fair. The Foundation, along with the Kaysens Group, funded the selection of books by each student as well as the stocking of the community library. As one observer remarked – “They will remember this trip all their lives. Hope it opens their minds to dream big.”
Offei Yaw, a Community in the Eastern Region of Ghana which the Foundation has adopted responded to COP 26 – The UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow in early November. The Kwaaba Foundation has supported and advocated for sustainable initiatives targeted at dealing with climate change through community sensitization. Inspired by the Eisenhower Fellowships 2022 Africa Program on Climate Change, the Foundation introduced the community to reusable facemasks, proper disposal mechanisms and educated them on the effects of other activities such as burning bush. During its annual Christmas Get Together, the Foundation used the opportunity to further sensitize the community; instead of the usual Christmas plastic bags, the Foundation packaged its Christmas goodies in reusable cloth bags to encourage reuse. Bags were primarily made out of used bedsheets, flour bags, and used clothing. The people in the community pledged to – “Say No to Single-use Plastics”
The Foundation’s Annual Community Christmas Party at Ofei Yaw, Adeiso came off in December 2020. Seven upper-class students graduated after completing the main modules of the Phonics Virtual Learning Initiative. Book prizes were also presented to all students in the program. The Foundation advocated the importance of education.