Offei Yaw/Adeiso Community Tour HPW Fresh & Dry Ltd

As part of its periodic strategic engagement with the towns, the Kwaaba Foundation organized an educational tour to HPW Fresh & Dry Ltd in Adeiso, the Eastern Region of Ghana. Established in 1997 by a Swiss Investor, Hans Peter Werder (HPW), it has grown to become the largest dried fruit producer in West Africa. Fifty (50) adults, kids and some elders had the opportunity to visit. The Group was split into two different tours according to their age. The children also toured the waste management unit, the biogas unit and the nursery unit.  Most of the community members from Adeiso were amazed at the kind of work and opportunities right at their doorstep. The Managing Director of the company, Mr James Obeng encouraged the children to be responsible, care for the environment and always aspire to do better in whatever they are doing.

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